Our Health & Fitness Programs
We offer a variety of aquatics programs like American Red Cross Lifeguard Training, swim lessons for all ages and Master Swim certification.
We offer a variety of Group exercise classes including: in-person, virtual, yoga, Zumba, strength, cycling, mind & body, dance, active older adult classes, and more.
Get fit with a Personal Trainer! Whether you are new to exercise or ready to take it to the next level, let a YMCA Certified Personal Trainer teach you how to get the most out of your workouts.
The country’s fasting growing sport! A combination of tennis and ping pong played with a paddle on modified tennis courts.
The YMCA of Muncie is proud to introduce Rock Steady Boxing, a boxing-based program for people with Parkinson’s Disease. The exercise program has shown to slow the progression of the disease, reduce falls / hospitalizations, and improve quality of life for individuals with Parkinson’s.